World Youth Day Highlights

A few weeks ago, I attended World Youth Day in Lisbon. As you know, I am a big fan of Portugal. So, when I found out that World Youth Day was in Portugal, I knew that I had to go back. I can’t stay away from natas for too long! World Youth Day was incredible. The week was full of sweet reunions, memorable moments, and small joys. I left Portugal feeling so inspired and receiving so many graces from the Lord. It’s hard to wrap up this experience in just a few points, but I would be remiss if I did not share some of my favorite moments with you. Without further ado, here are my World Youth Day Highlights:

Me and my friend Chloe
1. Singaporean Reunions

It has been four years since I studied abroad in Singapore. Though some time has passed, I still miss that place and my friends so dearly. Singapore was my home away from home for half a year. It was where I deepened my desire to grow in my faith and love for the Lord. Reuniting with my friends in Lisbon was truly a special treat. After years of zoom calls, it was nice to finally embrace my friends in person and give them the hugs that were long overdue.

The one reunion that sticks out to me the most is my reunion with Michael (my big brother) and Brian. I met those two at the very beginning of exchange, and we explored the Catholic Community together. We had a special bond from the moment we first met, and it was a friendship I cherished deeply. I knew that Michael and Brian were going to World Youth Day, and we knew that we had to meet up. From the moment we landed in Lisbon, we tried to coordinate a time to meet. But each time we tried, something would come up and the plans would fall apart. As the days I had in Lisbon started to dwindle, I began to lose hope. It wasn’t until the last day that I got to see them. In Fatima of all places! Though it was a brief encounter, I nearly broke down in tears when I finally saw them. It was a sweet relief. Finally. I get to see them again. Finally. I get a piece of home.

2. Seeing the Pope

I did it. I got to see the Papa Francisco. In the flesh. What makes this encounter special is the fact that divine timing came into play. My friends and I were late to the Pope’s Welcoming Ceremony. I had no plans on seeing him up close. Every barricade was full of people, and there was no space to squeeze through. In an effort to see my friend Michael, I tried to cross a street with my friends. At that very moment, the Portuguese police parted the crowds in half to clear the roads. My friends and I were right at the splitting point. They placed a barricade right in front of me, and we were told that we were not allowed to cross. These well-dressed security men started walking on the road and sleek black cars followed them. Before I knew it, the pope arrived. He was sitting on top of his jeep, waving and blessing us. I was moved to tears. To be that close to the pope and receive a blessing was so special. Praise God for divine timing.

3. Our Lady of Fatima

After lent, my young adult group at St. Elizabeth Seton did the Marian Consecration (33 Days to Morning Glory) together. We watched the movie Fatima and learned more about Mary and her apparition to the three young children in Portugal. To actually visit the apparition sites and the children’s homes was such a surreal experience. It felt like I was a part of the apparition myself. My group went to mass at the basilica, did the stations of the cross, and an evening rosary. I watched people pray the rosary and walk on their knees to the place in which Mary appeared in 100 degree heat. Their knees were bloody and raw from shuffling towards the temple. The devotion people had to Our Lady was inspiring. It was a true display of salvific suffering.

4. U.S. Contingent

The U.S. pilgrims gathered together at a park on Thursday night for Bishop Barron’s talk and eucharistic process and adoration. There were thousands of us at the park, eager to listen to Bishop Barron and adore the eucharist. I think it was so special to be around so many American Catholics, and I felt so much pride to be a citizen of the United States. After Eucharistic adoration, the American Catholics flooded the Metro station to head home. We all started singing American anthems and songs like “God Bless America” and “The Star Spangled Banner.” It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I often think Americans lacks a sense of nationalism, unity, and community. But in that moment, I realized that I truly am proud to be an American and to call America my home.

5. Pilgrimage to Overnight Vigil

I’ll be honest. The pilgrimage to overnight vigil was uncomfortable and extremely exhausting. To walk 6 miles in 90 degree weather was no easy feat. I was loathing every second of it. So, why did I choose this as a highlight? Because when we suffer, our hunger for the Lord is magnified. I found myself silently praying and leaning on the Lord for support as my back ached from carrying my overnight gear. When we reached the pilgrimage site, all of us had to squeeze into a small spot and call it our resting place. In many ways, this moment reminded me of Jesus’ birth in the manger. Mary and Joseph didn’t have a private hospital suite to bring Jesus into the world. Yet, they made do. Even if it was uncomfortable and ideal, it was enough. Just like the Holy Family, my pilgrim group was exactly where we needed to be.

This pilgrimage brought me a lot closer to the pals that I made on this trip. We bonded over the discomfort we were feeling and encouraged each other as we walked to the camp site. Despite the challenging walk, the moments I remember the most are the pockets of joy that I felt at that campsite.

World Youth Day was a very memorable experience. I am so grateful to the sponsors from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Irvine who so graciously donated and supported us on this pilgrimage. This trip stretched me personally and spiritually, and I am so blessed to have had such a remarkable opportunity to encounter the universality of the Catholic church in person.

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