5 Work From Home Tips

My time at the University of Michigan has come to an end. Can you believe it? Just two years ago, I was so worried about getting my first job. And now, I am opening a new chapter in my career. How exciting!

My job at the University of Michigan granted me the flexibility to work from home. To clock into work, I simply opened up my laptop and got started on the assignments that I needed to complete. It was really that simple. Needless to say, working from home can be challenging when there is no structured hours or environment designated to work. I spent the first week of my job completely confused about how I should spend my time. It was difficult for me to separate my work life from my home life because both environments converged into one space. After much trial and error, I began to make sense of working remotely and found out a routine that best fits my needs. In this post, I will share with you my 5 tips that will help you rock the home office!

1. Dress the Part

Some days, I don’t have any meetings or go outside. I am offered the luxury to complete my work in my pajamas if I wanted to. But I try my best not to. Dressing the part has helped me feel like I’m going to work. I like having the whole morning routine where I get ready for the day by completing my skincare routine, picking out an outfit, and prepping breakfast. Even though I might not be seeing anyone in-person, it makes me feel ready for my role and excited to start my day.

2. Get Some Fresh Air

Staring at a computer all day can be extremely exhausting. It is healthy to go outside as often as you can to get a breath of fresh air. For me, I like to go on a stroll around the neighborhood after a meeting or in the late afternoon as a short break. It helps me with my stress management. I always allot about 20 to 30 minutes every day to do some sort of physical activity/hobby and take a step away from the computer.

3. Clean and Organize Your Workspace

Keeping your workspace with minimal clutter can help you stay productive. For me, it is fairly easy to have piles of printed journals, books, and sticky notes on my desk. I try to maintain a clutter-free work environment. When everything is neat and tidy, I tend to work even more efficiently. My office desk also works as a desk for my art projects as well. I need to arrange things in order so that I do not get too overwhelmed by the clutter.

4. Find Different Settings to Work

I change up my workspace every day so that I am not tired of spending my entire day sitting in one space. One of the best places for me to work is the library. My city’s library has incredibly fast wifi connection and useful resources that benefit me as a public health researcher. The environment is also fairly quiet which helps me focus. There are a lot of people that come to the library to study and work. It prevents me from slacking off or getting distracted when I am in the presence of people who are busy working too. I also invite my other work-from-home friends to work with me at a coffee shop. It’s a clever way to spend quality time with a friend while also maintaining productivity.

5. Set Your Boundaries

For me, I have a lot of flexibility with my work hours. I can choose to take breaks whenever I want. As long as I complete what is expected of me, I am in the clear. There are days where I forget to separate my work from my life. Occasionally, my work will bleed into the late hours because I have an urgency to get things done. Setting boundaries helps me have a healthy relationship with my work. I make sure to always prioritize my mental health and care. If I feel that it is threatened, I will make sure to communicate with my supervisor to come up with alternative solutions.

I hope that my 5 tips benefit you in some capacity. The work from home dynamic can be relatively difficult to manage and navigate. However, once you find what works best for you, it becomes a breeze. Needless to say, I feel confident and ready for the big responsibilities that lie ahead with my adaptable work style and routine!

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